
Jon Christie
7 min readJan 21, 2023


Let’s make a game and talk about it.

Building a multiplayer game using Babylon.JS would involve several steps. Here is a general outline of how you might go about building a 1v1 game with winner/loser logic:

  1. Create a scene in Babylon.JS: This can be done using the Babylon.js ‘Scene’ class. This class provides the basic structure for your game.
  2. Create the game assets: This includes creating the player characters, obstacles, and other elements of the game. You can use the Babylon.js ‘Mesh’ class to create these assets, and you can use different materials and textures to give them a unique look.
  3. Set up the game logic: This involves creating the rules for how the game will be played, such as the conditions for winning and losing, and what actions the players can take. You can use JavaScript to create the game logic, and you can use Babylon.js to handle the physics of the game.
  4. Add multiplayer functionality: This can be done using a library such as to handle the communication between the different players. You can use this library to send information such as player movements and actions to the other players in the game.
  5. Test and debug: Once you have the basic structure of the game in place, you will need to test it and debug any issues that arise. This will involve running the game and observing how it behaves, and making adjustments as needed.
  6. Publish the game: Once you have completed the game and tested it, you can then publish it to the web so that others can play it.

Please keep in mind that this is a high-level overview, and building a multiplayer game is a complex task that requires knowledge of programming and game development.

To create a scene in Babylon.JS, you can use the Scene class. Here is an example of how you might create a scene:

// Import the Babylon.js library
import * as BABYLON from 'babylonjs';
// Create the canvas element that will display the scene
const canvas = document.getElementById('renderCanvas');
// Create the scene
const scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
// Create a camera
const camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("Camera", 0, 0, 10, new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0), scene);
// Attach the camera to the canvas
camera.attachControl(canvas, true);
// Create a light
const light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light1", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);
// Render the scene
engine.runRenderLoop(() => {
  • We first import the Babylon.js library
  • Create a canvas element that will display the scene.
  • Create a new instance of the Scene class, passing in the canvas element.
  • Create a camera and light, and attach them to the scene.
  • Render loop to continuously render the scene.

You can also add other elements such as meshes, materials, and textures to the scene in order to create the game assets.

Please note that you should have a running Babylon.js engine to use this code snippet. If you don’t have it, you can create one by using var engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true);

Create the game assets: This includes creating the player characters, obstacles, and other elements of the game. You can use the Babylon.js ‘Mesh’ class to create these assets, and you can use different materials and textures to give them a unique look.

To create the game assets using Babylon.JS, you can use the Mesh class. Here is an example of how you might create a player character:

// Import the Babylon.js mesh classes
import { MeshBuilder } from 'babylonjs';

// Create a player character
const player = MeshBuilder.CreateSphere("player", { diameter: 1 }, scene);

// Position the player character in the scene
player.position.y = 1;

// Create a material for the player character
const playerMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("playerMaterial", scene);

// Apply the material to the player character
player.material = playerMaterial;

// Add a texture to the material
playerMaterial.diffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("path/to/texture.jpg", scene);•
  • Use the MeshBuilder.CreateSphere method to create a sphere-shaped player character, and we set its diameter to 1
  • Position the player character in the scene by setting the y-coordinate of its position to 1
  • Create a new instance of the StandardMaterial class, which we use to give the player character a unique look
  • Apply the material to the player character
  • Add a texture to the material so that the player character has a specific image on it.

You can also use other Babylon.JS mesh classes such as CreateBox, CreateCylinder, CreateGround etc to create other game assets such as obstacles.

Also, you can use different materials and textures to give different game assets different looks.

Please note that the path to the texture should be a valid path to an image file.

To set up the game logic, you can use JavaScript to create the rules for how the game will be played, and use Babylon.js to handle the physics of the game.

Here is an example of how you might create the game logic for a 1v1 game with winner/loser logic:

// Create a variable to store the score for each player
let player1Score = 0;
let player2Score = 0;

// Create a function to handle player movements
function movePlayer(player, direction) {
// Use Babylon.js physics engine to move the player
player.physicsImpostor.applyImpulse(direction, player.getAbsolutePosition());

// Create a function to handle player actions
function playerAction(player) {
// Check if the player's action is valid (e.g. player has enough energy to perform the action)
if( > 10) {
// Reduce the player's energy -= 10;
// Perform the action (e.g. shoot a projectile)

// Create a function to check for collisions
function checkCollision(projectile, obstacle) {
// Use Babylon.js collision detection to check for a collision between the projectile and the obstacle
if (projectile.intersectsMesh(obstacle)) {
// Handle the collision (e.g. reduce the obstacle's health) -= 10;
// Check if the obstacle has been destroyed
if ( <= 0) {
// Increase the player's score
// Remove the obstacle from the scene

// Create a function to check for the end of the game
function checkEndGame() {
// Check if either player has reached the maximum score
if (player1Score >= 10 || player2Score >= 10) {
// Display a message to indicate the winner
let message = player1Score > player2Score ? "Player 1 wins!" : "Player 2 wins!";
// Reset the scores
player1Score = 0;
player2Score = 0;
  • Create variables to store the score for each player
  • Create functions to handle player movements, player actions, collisions, and the end of the game
  • Use Babylon.js physics engine to move the player
  • Use the collision detection feature to check for collision between the projectile and the obstacle
  • Check the end of the game using the score

To add multiplayer functionality to your game, you can use a library such as to handle the communication between the different players.

Here is an example of how you might use to send information about player movements to the other players in the game:

// Import the library
import io from '';

// Connect to the server
const socket = io.connect("http://localhost:3000");

// Send player movement information to the server
function sendMovement(player) {
socket.emit("playerMovement", {
x: player.position.x,
y: player.position.y,
z: player.position.z

// Listen for player movement updates from the server
socket.on("playerMovement", (data) => {
// Update the position of the other player in the scene
otherPlayer.position.x = data.x;
otherPlayer.position.y = data.y;
otherPlayer.position.z = data.z;
  • Import the library and use it to connect to the serve
  • Create two functions, one to send the player movement information to the server, and another to listen for updates from the server and update the position of the other player in the scene
  • Use the to send other information such as player actions, game state and scores, etc.

NOTE: You will need to make sure to handle the cases where a player loses connection to the server, and how to reconnect.

Testing and debugging are important steps in the game development process. Here are two examples of how you might test and debug your game using Babylon.JS:


// Import the assert module
import assert from 'assert';

// Create a test function to test the player movement
function testPlayerMovement() {
// Move the player to the left
movePlayer(player, new BABYLON.Vector3(-1, 0, 0));
// Check if the player's x-coordinate has been updated
assert.equal(player.position.x, -1);

// Create a test function to test the collision detection
function testCollisionDetection() {
// Create a dummy obstacle
const obstacle = MeshBuilder.CreateBox("obstacle", { size: 1 }, scene);
// Create a dummy projectile
const projectile = MeshBuilder.CreateSphere("projectile", { diameter: 0.5 }, scene);
// Position the obstacle and the projectile to simulate a collision
obstacle.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
projectile.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
// Check if the collision detection function returns true
assert.equal(checkCollision(projectile, obstacle), true);

// Run the tests
  • Import the assert module
  • Use it to create test functions for the player movement and collision detection
  • Use the assert.equal method to check if the expected outcome is the same as the actual outcome. If the test passes, it will not throw any error, otherwise, it will throw an error.


// Attach a debugger to the scene

// Create a function to log the player's position
function logPlayerPosition() {

// Add an event listener to the render loop to log the player's position
engine.runRenderLoop(() => {
  • Add the keyword debugger to the script, which will pause the execution of the script on this line
  • This will allow you to inspect the state of the game and find out what might be causing an issue.
  • Create a function to log the player’s position
  • Call it in the render loop, so you can see the player’s position in the developer console and check if it’s behaving as expected.

As we all know, these are just isolated examples covering the basics of the main components used when creating a game using BabylonJS. See you next time!



Jon Christie

Web Developer | UI/UX Designer | Graphic Artist | Educator | Musician | Technical Writer