10 Tips To Becoming a Better UX Writer, Part I

With examples of how to implement them.

Jon Christie
3 min readFeb 16, 2023

Jon Christie

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

In this article, we will explore 10 practices to adhere to in order to produce your best UX writing skills. Let’s start by briefly touching on each practice and then diving deeper once we have a solid idea of each tip.

1. Write Clear and Concise Headings:

Make sure your headings accurately reflect the content of the section or page. Avoid being vague or misleading. Example: Instead of using “Our Mission” use a more specific and concise heading like “Our Commitment to Sustainability.”

2. Use Action-Oriented Language:

Use language that encourages users to take action, like “Sign up now” or “Download the app.” Example: Instead of saying “Learn more,” use “Discover how to save money and time.”

3. Write Conversational Text:

Use a conversational tone to create a more engaging experience for users. Example: Instead of saying “We apologize for the inconvenience,” use “Sorry about that! We’re working to fix the issue.”

4. Avoid Technical Jargon:

Use language that is easy to understand for your target audience. Avoid using technical jargon that might be confusing or intimidating. Example: Instead of saying “Digital marketing automation,” use “Automate your marketing tasks.”

5. Use Consistent Language:

Use consistent language across all pages to avoid confusing users. Example: Instead of using “Log in” on one page and “Sign in” on another, use “Log in” consistently.

6. Prioritize User Needs:

Make sure your content focuses on the user’s needs, not just the company’s goals. Example: Instead of saying “Our product is the best in the market,” use “Our product helps you save time and money.”

7. Use Simple Sentence Structure:

Use simple sentence structure and avoid long, complicated sentences. Example: Instead of saying “In the event that you are unable to log in, please contact our support team,” use “If you can’t log in, contact support.”

8. Be Consistent with Branding:

Use the same brand voice and tone across all pages to create a consistent experience. Example: Instead of using a serious tone on one page and a playful tone on another, use a consistent tone throughout the website.

9. Use Visual Elements:

Use visual elements to break up text and create a more engaging experience. Example: Instead of just listing features, use icons or images to help users better understand the features

10. Test and Iterate:

Test your content and make changes based on user feedback. Example: Use A/B testing to see which headlines or calls to action are more effective and adjust your content accordingly.

Overall, good UX writing should be clear, concise, conversational, and user-focused. It should help users achieve their goals and create a positive experience with the product or service.

Thanks for reading!!! A more in-depth review of all 10 tips can be found in Part II!

See you there!

Jon Christie




Jon Christie

Web Developer | UI/UX Designer | Graphic Artist | Educator | Musician | Technical Writer